英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 09:28:17
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. behave in accordance or in agreement with

e.g. Follow a pattern
Follow my example

Synonym: follow

2. satisfy a condition or restriction

e.g. Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?

Synonym: meetfit

3. observe

e.g. conform to the rules

1. 遵守:confer sth. on sb. 把...赐予(授予) | conform to 遵守 | consist of 由...组成

2. 遵守,依照,符合,顺应:conceive of 设想,构思出 | conform to 遵守,依照,符合,顺应 | consult with 商量,商议

3. 遵守,符合,顺应:153 comply with 遵守,服从; | 154 conform to 遵守,符合,顺应 | 155 consist of 组成

When storing Renaissance oil paintings, museums conform to standards that call for careful control of the surrounding temperature and humidity, with variations confined within narrow margins.(博物馆在储存文艺复兴时期的油画时,要遵循严格控制周围温度和湿度的标准,把变化限制在狭小的范围内。)
He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.(他不同于人们一般印象中穿黑色西装、提公文包的商人形象。)
Essays must conform to MLA standards.(论文格式需符合MLA标准。)
ROD documents are documents that conform to a proprietary format.(ROD文档是遵守一个专用格式的文档。)
All beautiful women in television commercials conform to this norm.(所有在电视广告中出现的“花容月貌”的靓女都符合这个标准。)
The workers refused to conform to the unfair contract.(工人拒绝遵守不公平的合同。)
It did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city.(这和一座常规的工业城市那种千篇一律的格局不一样。)
An architecture may conform to an architectural style.(一个架构可以符合一个架构样式。)
A customer organization can define its data model and tender for competing solutions that conform to its interfaces and meet its requirements.(客户组织可以定义其数据模型,还能对那些符合其接口和需求的计算解决方案进行投标。)
When life doesn't conform to our fantasy we grow upset, frustrated, or depressed.(当生命和我们的幻想不一致时,我们就变得烦恼,无奈或沮丧。)
conform to是什么意思 conform to在线翻译 conform to什么意思 conform to的意思 conform to的翻译 conform to的解释 conform to的发音 conform to的同义词